This guide outlines all the countries and territories we can collect funds from once you or your customers are onboarded with UQPAY.
Now, you can collect funds from 47 countries and territories worldwide and in near coming future, we will be adding more countries. This list is reviewed and updated periodically in line with market and regulatory conditions.
Australia | AUS | France | FRA | Luxembourg | LUX | Slovenia | SVN |
Austria | AUT | Germany | DEU | Malaysia | MYS | South Korea | KOR |
Belgium | BEL | Greece | GRC | Maldives | MDV | Spain | ESP |
Bulgaria | BGR | Hong Kong | HKG | Malta | MLT | Sri Lanka | LKA |
Canada | CAN | Hungary | HUN | Netherlands | NLD | Sweden | SWE |
China | CHN | India | IND | New Zealand | NZL | Taiwan | TWN |
Croatia | HRV | Indonesia | IDN | Philippines | PHL | Thailand | THA |
Cyprus | CYP | Ireland | IRL | Poland | POL | United Kingdom | GBR |
Czech Republic | CZE | Italy | ITA | Portugal | PRT | United States | USA |
Denmark | DNK | Japan | JPN | Romania | ROU | Vietnam | VNM |
Estonia | EST | Latvia | LVA | Singapore | SGP | ||
Finland | FIN | Lithuania | LTU | Slovakia | SVK |
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